In Very Bad Taste

A poem in which a husband displays an unacceptable degree of insensitivity when it comes to a wife's woeful attempts a cooking..


Rude and dirty poetry


Dirty poems


It's The Dogs… Once Again

George loved his wife Elsie dearly
They'd been married 40 years nearly
George loved her from the very first look
But sadly Elsie was a desperate cook
To her great credit it didn't deter her
From preparing a variety of fare
One day she served something cordon bleu
Which caused George to sit and stare
It was truly awful even just to look at
Some burnt, some raw and swimming in fat
Reluctantly he took a taste of the presentation
And gave it to his dog without hesitation
Then immediately after eating some
The dog started licking at his bum
“Why is he doing that?" she said in disgust
As the dog did what all dogs must
George replied quite straight faced
“He's trying to get rid of the taste”


Copyright © Paul Curtis. All Rights Reserved
